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Membership Plan Related Questions

How to download products after purchasing a membership plan?

  1. Ensure you are logged into your account using your signup email.
  2. Click on the template you wish to download, then scroll down to locate the DOWNLOAD button or Downloads tab.

Download issue

If nothing happens when you click the download button, it’s possible that there’s an issue with your web browser. Please disable any non-standard add-ons or toolbars you’ve installed and try again (no additional credit will be deducted). If it still doesn’t work, try a different browser. We recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.

If your computer indicates that the file has been corrupted, delete the file and attempt the download again.

Other Questions

How quickly can I download the file after purchase or joining the membership?

Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed.

Checkout Timeout issue

If your network is unstable, you may experience timeouts during the checkout process. In most cases, the order has been successfully placed. Please wait for 10-15 minutes and check your email inbox, including spam or junk folders, for the download link email.

Are the templates fully editable?

Absolutely! You have full control. Delete or move elements that don’t suit your needs. Resize photos, edit live data using Excel, modify background colors, themes, fonts, layout, and even add slide numbers. Nothing is restricted; you can customize all elements to your liking.

Can I open the PowerPoint template file with Keynote or Google Slides?

Yes, you can use these templates with Keynote and Google Slides.

Are these templates compatible with both Windows and iOS systems?

Yes, they are compatible with both Windows and iOS systems, so all PowerPoint users can utilize them.

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact us: [email protected]


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